Wednesday, June 8, 2016

When Will the Investor Honeymoon with Real Estate End?

It look like investors are sticking around....Rental rates are very high right now so it is hard to justify selling if you purchased at a great price, stocks have been pretty volatile, & there are tax benefits of depreciation in real estate. Real estate is not as liquid as stocks but does provide cash with tenants in place. Here is an expceprt about a bubble, which I think is interesting. Some areas recovered and increased quickly its been a slow year in Naples this year....

Will there be another real estate bubble, and when will it burst? Experts agree that another bubble will come - that has been a cyclical reality in US real estate. But nobody sees it in the near-term horizon. A very few markets - possibly San Francisco, maybe Manhattan - are fingered by some as edging into bust bubble status. But most of the U.S. real estate market appears to be steady as she goes and very probably the same will be true for today's real estate investors.

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