Tuesday, June 21, 2016

13 Signs Your House Is Vulnerable to Being Robbed


Many people in our area have a false sense of security if they live in a gated community here - but history in our area shows that the gates are easily circumvented and doors left on lock making it easy pickings for criminals! Here are a few more things to think about. 

YOUR FRONT DOOR - don't leave it unlocked! 
YOUR GARBAGE CANS- don't leave the new 60" box from the tv you just purchased on the curb
YOUR HEALTH-perscriptions medications are now a target for thieves 
YOUR STREET-If your home is secluded make sure you have fences and lighting 
YOUR WINDOWS - don't leave them cracked open and have them locked!
YOUR VACATION PICS - be careful what you post on social media
YOUR SOCIAL STATUS - be friends with your neighbors so they will watch over you
YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD'S CRIME HISTORY-keep tabs on the crimes in your area
YOUR ALARM-if you have one makes sure you set it
YOUR LOCK-put a deadbolt on home 
YOUR OUTDOOR LIGHTS-darkness makes your home an easy target
YOUR LANDSCAPING-don't have many places where thieves can hide!
YOUR MAILBOX-make sure to collect mail and packages daily

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