Tuesday, June 7, 2016

How to buy a home while selling one


This article hits the nail on the head.  It can be tough to balance a sale and a purchase.  I used to do simultaneous closings frequently however that has become more challenging with the new financing regulations - having an agent on your side that knows the process and can oversee all aspects of the deal is imperative.

  1. Work your social network for temporary quarters
  2. Contingent offers: Not very many pros
  3. A bridge loan or HELOC can get you from one house to the next
  4. Twice the adventure
    1. Use experienced, efficient real estate agents. Not your friends, but agents who will be proactive in the process.
    2. Be aware of the market. Typically when it is easier to sell, it is hard to buy. And vice versa. Know which market you’re in, then work on the hardest part first.
    3. Prepare as much as possible in advance. Your time will be limited, so have most of your possessions ready to move. If your current home needs repairs, get them done so this doesn’t hold up the sale.
    4. Don’t get stuck on little things. Keep the big picture in mind — you want a sale and a purchase at or near the same time. This means that some things you might fixate on if only buying, or only selling, will need to take a back seat.

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