Friday, June 17, 2016

The most and least valuable states

We are the 4th most valuable state in the country, check out some more stats on us:

Value of land per acre: $28,961
Total value: $1.02 trillion (4th highest)
Total acres: 35.3 million (24th highest)
Percent land mass rural: 86.2% (7th lowest)

The entire state of Florida is worth over $1 trillion, making the state the fourth most valuable in the nation. Nearly 15% of land in Florida is developed, one of the higher percentage compared to other states, and well above the 5.8% figure for the nation’s 48 coterminous states. As in most other states, Florida’s developed property accounts for a disproportionately high share of the state’s total value. The 14.8% of state acreage that is considered developed accounts for 65.8% of the state’s total land value.

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