Monday, September 26, 2016

League hopes to make Naples a spearfishing destination

I don't know much about spearfishing but it looks like it might catch on in Naples.  I never would have drawn the conclusion that it could be similar to meditation and you get fresh seafood for dinner on top of it!

Spearfishing, proponents say, is one of the best methods to keep the lionfish population under control before the voracious eaters decimate native populations.
Collier County tourism officials have been working to boost the area’s fishing prestige ever since hundreds of thousands of tons of concrete rubble were dropped in a few locations about 10 miles offshore from Naples and Marco Island to create 36 artificial reefs.

“When you’re diving your reflex engages and your heart rate slows. Your breathing rate slows and you actually feel colder because your body is taking blood away from your limbs to use the oxygen more efficiently in your organs. It’s total relaxation, like meditation.”

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