Thursday, September 15, 2016

6 Things You Should Never Say When You’re Selling Your Home

This is all incredible advice every seller should read.  It is better to just keep quiet!

‘Our house is in perfect condition’
“There simply is no such thing as ‘perfect condition.’

‘It’s been on the market for X…’
bringing it up—especially if the home has been available for eons—can send sellers the wrong message.

‘We’ve never had a problem with…’
“You’re setting yourself up for potential liability,”

‘We always wanted to fix/renovate that, but…’
“When sellers point out things they might change, this only alerts the buyer of more upcoming costs for them,”

We spent a ton of money on X, Y, and Z’
“The buyer doesn’t care whether you spent $10,000 or $100,000 on your kitchen,” says Ameer. “They are only going to offer what they feel the home is worth in relation to area comparable sales.”

‘I’m not taking less than X amount for my home’
“If you send a message that you are inflexible or not open to negotiating, it may not invite buyers to even try to work out acceptable price and terms as they will feel defeated from the start,”

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