Sunday, September 25, 2016

Finding the Best Layout for Any Room in Your House

Arranging furniture can be challenging.  I personally go with the trial and error plan while breaking a sweat pushing furniture around the house.  My sister and I are experts at this method...Maybe we should try this....

STEP 1: Make a sketch of the room on graph paper so you can try different arrangements on paper before moving heavy furniture.

STEP 2: Assess entrances, exits, windows, heating vents, and other elements that cannot move and need to be worked around. Make sure to note these on your graph paper.

STEP 3: Take stock of your current furniture. A measuring tape will be useful here, so you can map out what might fit where; be sure to consider furniture size in relation to layout. Pencil them in on your sketch and move things around on paper again until you find an arrangement that seems satisfactory.

Check out the link above for room specific tips!

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