Thursday, May 5, 2016

Want a smart home? There's a store for that!

I am surprised we are not further down the path with smart homes yet. (Or maybe I am just clueless with technology) I am considered a Millennial but on the older spectrum of the Millennials and I don't consider myself super tech savvy. I have an app on my phone that can run special lightbulbs through my wifi but thats about the extent of it. There is a new store in London that offers gadgets that can be operated from your phone. The one I have my eye on is the coffee maker! However I would probably forget to put my cup in the right spot the night before causing a coffee disaster! There is even a fridge that comes equipped with Internet-connected cameras that can let you view what's inside without opening the doors. I am sure all of these things will be standard in the future! 

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