Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Everglades!


Although I LOVE to travel, in our backyard we have one of the most amazing areas, The Everglades! I have spent time on airboat rides and driving through! One of my favorite things is to spot the alligators! The picture is from an airboat ride I took a few years ago, our airboat broke down and we had to wait for the replacement one to pick us up with this gator circling us! We all survived :)

Here is the shout out the park got in the MSN article:

These million-plus acres of wetlands harbor 200 types of fish, 350 species of birds, 120 different kinds of trees and more than 1,000 kinds of plants. Drive the main 38-mile road through the park’s heart for a primer, making sure to stop along the way to hike the various trails.

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