Friday, May 6, 2016

RealtyTrac report: Underwater homes shrink, equity-rich homes grow in SW Florida

This is great news, homes that are underwater are decreasing in number and we are increasing or equity rich homes in Southwest Florida.  The article also compares National averages and Lee county averages. Here are a few of the stats from the article:

First quarter in Collier County, 13 percent, or 17,973 homes, had submerged loans.
a drop from the first quarter of last year, when it was 20,744 homes, or 16 percent of all mortgaged homes in Collier.

Collier County, 42,039 homes, or 31 percent of all mortgaged homes, were equity-rich in the first quarter, compared with 32,547 homes, or 26 percent of all homes, in the prior-year quarter.

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