Saturday, May 21, 2016

My Home Sale Fell Apart: How To Avoid These 5 Real-Life Scenarios

By default, contracts fall apart, I sell a lot of homes and I always say, the deal is not done until the keys are in the buyers hand and the transaction is funded.  This article hits the nail on the head, I have had deals die over each of these scenarios!
  1. Get a pre-inspection
    1. Know what is wrong with the house, disclose or repair.  Buyers get scared of large issues
  2. Notify the neighbors
    1. Chatty neighbors have given bad info to buyers and scared them 
  3. Keep the appraisal in mind
    1. If they are financing you have to meet the appraisal value 
  4. Be willing to negotiate
    1. Many of these issues can be resolved by a financial concession or a repair
  5. Know the HOA rules
    1. Give right info on trucks, pets, fees, & rental policies in the community

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