Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Defective Drywall AKA Chinese Drywall


The reason I enjoy this article is because it gives a description of the defective drywall issues we had in Florida and the effect, many clients from out of state bring this concern up.  To remediate it you have to bring the home down to studs and rebuild the interiors.  I have been in remediated homes and it appears this building is successfully recovered.  From my experiences, even remediated homes in the area have a stigma. 

Here is a great description of the Chinese drywall: 
American-made drywall was in short supply, sapped by demand from the U.S. building boom and the reconstruction of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Faced with a shortage, many builders imported Chinese drywall.
The product proved to be laden with sulfur, which wafted out of the Whitney's walls and quickly corroded copper pipes and wire. At first, Whitney residents couldn't fathom why their air conditioning units kept breaking down, or why their microwave buttons stopped working. Some even saw their television screens malfunction and their silver jewelry tarnish.

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