Thursday, April 28, 2016

Southwest Florida Season

Our busy season here coincides with the people escaping the winter and holiday schedules. I tend to say it is after Thanksgiving to right before Easter.  I usually base it on if there is a wait at my favorite restaurants.

In the real estate industry we are always referencing season for busy times. On a consistent basis I get asked a version of the following questions:

Is it season yet?
Was it a good season this year?
Did season drive prices up?
Is season over?

It is almost May, and today I put 2 of my listings under contract.   I feel even busier with work then I did during our season, and I can now even get dinner without a reservation!

Some people only want to put their home on the market during that timeframe since they think they can get a higher price and a better shot at selling it.  Buyers tend to also think they can get a "deal" in the summer when certain homes have not sold during the busy time.  In all reality it doesn't matter when you sell your home. Motivations vary and buying and selling real estate is a very personal thing, not based on a calendar. There will always be people shopping for real estate in Naples, it is paradise. And the serious ones will even venture down here with it is 95 and humid.  If you limit yourself to buying and selling during certain times of the year you are missing out!

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