Monday, April 25, 2016

Florida Is Creating First Solar-Powered Town

How cool is this!?!? We are the Sunshine State so it only makes sense that this would be in Southwest Florida. I am curious what the entry level price point will be for purchasing a home will be! 

A quick online search lead me to their website 

According to their timeline in early 2017 the model homes and downtown area will be opening!

Here is an excerpt from their website!

Phase 1 development – to be completed in 2017 – will have a total of 1,100 residences, providing the earliest residents of Babcock Ranch with a diverse mix of single family and multi-family options.  The initial downtown district buildings will feature a state of the art wellness center, a market cafĂ©, lakeside restaurant, educational facilities and an outdoor outfitters where residents and visitors can gear up to explore expansive lakes and an unparalleled trail system. When the town is completed, it will comprise 19,500 residences, an engaging downtown and a total of 6 million square feet of commercial and community space while still dedicating more than half of the total land for green spaces, lakes and nature trails. Ultimately, approximately 50,000 residents will call Babcock Ranch home.

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