Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Naples Vendor Alert - Mad Travel

Many of my clients do a significant amount of traveling for either work or personal enjoyment so I thought I would share this experience.  I love to see the world and experience new places and cultures and have never used a travel agent in all of my adventures, however that might have just changed this week.

I am in the midst of planning my next adventure, an African Safari. Yesterday, I was browsing flights and thought I had found a good deal however I was not sure.  I reached out to my friend, and fellow Rotarian, Lisa McCarthy for advice, she and her husband own Mad Travel.  While on the phone with Lee McCarthy, he realized how good of a flight it was that I found. As I was in the midst of panicking to quickly book it before the deal slipped through my fingers, Lee found the flight and and calmly reserved it for me. I was on speaker phone with him  frantically grasping for my passport and credit card before my session timed out.  Within 60 seconds Lee emailed me the details, assured me I would get my coveted Delta points through the partner airline, and gave me a deadline for when I had to book it by to not lose the awesome price. (Who knew you could even do that?!?!) An immediate sense of calm washed over me, I had the flight I wanted at the great price and could even take a day to think about it without risking having to pay more. 

This morning Lee booked the flight for me once I gave him the go ahead. I officially am going to Tanzania and feel confident on the price I got....I think they just converted me to using a travel agent in the future!

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