Wednesday, April 27, 2016

A Few Important Things to Consider When Picking a Realtor

Everyday I speak with local Realtors (everyone seems to have a real estate license in Naples) Almost everyday I hang up the phone and just have to shake my head at the conversations that I have. I worry about the conversations that other Realtors are having with their clients, that are costing them money, time, & missing out on deals.

Listening, Is your agent sticking to your requests or pushing you a different direction or a higher price point? This process should be all about what you want & need.  It will be your property and your money & your decision. Make sure they respect what you want.

Agent Experience, I am all about giving someone new a chance (we have all been there once), but make sure they have a Broker or Mentor with TONS of experience. Everyday I correct agent mistakes (yes, we all make them) but some of the mistakes are from a blatant lack of experience or knowledge which is costing their clients.

Responsiveness, For over a month I have been trying to buy a specific piece of vacant land for a client.  I have submitted offers via email, texted, & called on a consistent basis and cannot get a firm response out of the agent.  Make sure your agent is responsive via email, phone, & text! Her client is missing out on a great cash deal right now!

I could keep going with this list but I think these are a few of the most important ones.  I want Realtors to have a good reputation in the community, but with such little required training we have to hold ourselves to a higher standard. If I am not your Relator, make sure yours holds themselves to high standards. This process is all about you; you deserve the best.

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