Saturday, April 30, 2016

Elite Airways at Naples Airport

I live just a mile from the Naples Airport and I think this is fantastic! I hope they start to add flights to Milwaukee or Chicago soon! I have not noticed any additional airport noise which was a significant concern for the public when they decided to start commercial flights.

"A new batch of flights to the Midwest and additional nonstop flights to New Jersey are planned for Elite Airways, which experienced passenger loads of less than 20 percent in March at Naples Municipal Airport."

HGTV host Kimberley Seldon tips on how to sell homes to Canadians

Canadians are huge buyers and sellers in our SWFL market! Keeping the design clean and light is pretty much the standard for style right now, not unique to just the Canadians...

National Association of Realtors reported that Canadian buyers bought $11.2 billion worth of residential real estate last year, down 19 percent from $13.8 billion in 2014.

"Canadians are very conservative," Seldon said. "So keep the design clean, contemporary and well-edited, but stay away from dark furniture — we have enough of that up north."

Compare Property Tax Rates By State

"The average median property tax rate across the nation is 1.31 percent. That means a home owner with a home valued at $200,000, on average, pays an annual amount of $2,620 in property taxes, according to an analysis by CoreLogic’s data team."

Friday, April 29, 2016

Cash Buyers in Naples FL are Not Getting Steep Discounts!

This is incredibly interesting to me because I have been saying this for awhile in Naples. Cash buyers are not getting much of a discount in what they pay for a home compared to financing buyers. See the link to see where you can get the best discounts with cash deals!

"Cash buyers in 9 percent of local housing markets paid a premium price per square foot. The following markets are where cash buyers paid a premium for buyers:"

Honolulu: 6.6% premium
Seattle: 5.2%
San Francisco: 4.8%
Naples, Fla.: 3.9%
San Diego: 2.5%

Fed Votes to Leave Interest Rates Alone

A few notable quotes from the article: 

"Growth in economic activity appears to have slowed"

"The current rate is set at between 0.25% and 0.5%, and will remain so, until at least the FOMC’s next meeting in June."

My Favorite Fictional Realtor

ABC's "Modern Family." On Wednesday, May 4, Phil will show his REALTOR® pride in an episode that you won't want to miss.

Phil always cracks me up when he is selling real estate on the show, you better believe I will be tuning in! The show does a great job bringing to light the life of a Realtor.  A few of my favorite moments have been when Claire and Cam are renovating and flipping a house and another episode where Phil has to break in and out of a house (shhh, I have been there before).

Brand New Listing!

Check a few pictures out my Naples Opportunities site! 

Great opportunity to own a 3 bedroom, 2 bath, oversized 1 car garage home in the heart of Naples.  It features tile throughout, new HVAC in 2015, screened lanai, and fenced backyard. This home would be a great rental or primary residence.  Poinciana Village does not have HOA dues or regulations.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Homeownership Near its Lowest in History

"After gains in the second half of 2015, the homeownership rate fell to just 63.6 percent, seasonally adjusted, in the first quarter of this year, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Homeownership hit a high of 69.4 percent in 2004"

This article has a lot of interesting facts in it! One that I can appreciate is homeownership among those aged 25-34 today is nearly 10 percentage points lower than it was a decade ago. It points to student loan debt, the trend to delay marrying and having kids, increasing rental rates which prevents that age group from saving for down payments & a rising home prices as part of the cause.

Last year I purchased my first home home as an unmarried, 29 year old. I am on the older side of the millennial generation but I believe I can relate to the typical millennial issues issues as well as many of my close friends. I have student loans, only one income, and rental rates in Naples are incredibly high with limited inventory. In fact, I don't even live in the condo I purchased, I rent it out and still am living my rental.  Times are changing with my generation. We are not going through the stages of life at the same times as our parents did, which it will be interesting to see how that impacts our world in the coming decades. 

Big Changes on 5th Ave S!

The project on the 400 block of 5th Ave S has been a controversial one for quite some time in Naples. The demolition of Cafe Luna and Kohr's Family Frozen Custard, Avenue Wine Café, Bella Maria Café, and several real estate companies will begin soon. Phil McCabe has planned 3 story building with retail on the ground floor (no restaurant space) and residential condos on the other floors.  There may also be a parking garage underneath the building.

There are a lot of emotions that people when big changes like this happen in such a quaint and historical part of town. Many people feel that this will change the dynamic of 5th Ave S, however I believe these changes are for the positive.  Yes, it is disappointing that Naples is losing some restaurant space with outdoor patios however imagine what it could be with successful shops and extra parking (which is much needed).  I am grateful that Phil McCabe is replacing aging buildings with new and improved structures. Change can be difficult but its exciting!  

Bonita Beach & 41

For years I have felt this intersection has need HELP! It is an absolute nightmare trying to get through it most of the year.  A few years ago when they did not approve the passover I was very disappointed. I am glad to see they are trying to do something again to resolve the traffic issues, it is long overdue!

Regardless if Bonita Springs wants to stay a small town, people are moving here and it is growing.  There is nothing the city can do to stop it, they have to grow and adapt.  It is reminiscent of when I lived in Tucson, Arizona.  They wanted to stay a small town  and they did not adapt to the population increases and it was damaging to the city. Hopefully we see a viable solution in May!

Southwest Florida Season

Our busy season here coincides with the people escaping the winter and holiday schedules. I tend to say it is after Thanksgiving to right before Easter.  I usually base it on if there is a wait at my favorite restaurants.

In the real estate industry we are always referencing season for busy times. On a consistent basis I get asked a version of the following questions:

Is it season yet?
Was it a good season this year?
Did season drive prices up?
Is season over?

It is almost May, and today I put 2 of my listings under contract.   I feel even busier with work then I did during our season, and I can now even get dinner without a reservation!

Some people only want to put their home on the market during that timeframe since they think they can get a higher price and a better shot at selling it.  Buyers tend to also think they can get a "deal" in the summer when certain homes have not sold during the busy time.  In all reality it doesn't matter when you sell your home. Motivations vary and buying and selling real estate is a very personal thing, not based on a calendar. There will always be people shopping for real estate in Naples, it is paradise. And the serious ones will even venture down here with it is 95 and humid.  If you limit yourself to buying and selling during certain times of the year you are missing out!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Southwest Florida Blue Zone Project

Another great reason to invest or live in SWFL, we are on he cutting edge of improving our community!

Southwest Florida is on its way to becoming a Blue Zones Community®. That means residents and business owners alike are focused on improving well-being for themselves and their neighbors. Together, we can lower obesity rates, smoking, and chronic disease to create a healthier, happier place to live, work, and play.

I am on a committee that helped Naples High School obtain their Blue Zone Status.  It was great to see all the changes that the school had done prior to the Blue Zone Initiative and even more positive changes that were triggered by the Blue Zone Project. The health of our community impacts all of us "lowered healthcare costs, improved productivity, and ultimately, a higher quality of life." 

A Few Important Things to Consider When Picking a Realtor

Everyday I speak with local Realtors (everyone seems to have a real estate license in Naples) Almost everyday I hang up the phone and just have to shake my head at the conversations that I have. I worry about the conversations that other Realtors are having with their clients, that are costing them money, time, & missing out on deals.

Listening, Is your agent sticking to your requests or pushing you a different direction or a higher price point? This process should be all about what you want & need.  It will be your property and your money & your decision. Make sure they respect what you want.

Agent Experience, I am all about giving someone new a chance (we have all been there once), but make sure they have a Broker or Mentor with TONS of experience. Everyday I correct agent mistakes (yes, we all make them) but some of the mistakes are from a blatant lack of experience or knowledge which is costing their clients.

Responsiveness, For over a month I have been trying to buy a specific piece of vacant land for a client.  I have submitted offers via email, texted, & called on a consistent basis and cannot get a firm response out of the agent.  Make sure your agent is responsive via email, phone, & text! Her client is missing out on a great cash deal right now!

I could keep going with this list but I think these are a few of the most important ones.  I want Realtors to have a good reputation in the community, but with such little required training we have to hold ourselves to a higher standard. If I am not your Relator, make sure yours holds themselves to high standards. This process is all about you; you deserve the best.

Naples Vendor Alert - Mad Travel

Many of my clients do a significant amount of traveling for either work or personal enjoyment so I thought I would share this experience.  I love to see the world and experience new places and cultures and have never used a travel agent in all of my adventures, however that might have just changed this week.

I am in the midst of planning my next adventure, an African Safari. Yesterday, I was browsing flights and thought I had found a good deal however I was not sure.  I reached out to my friend, and fellow Rotarian, Lisa McCarthy for advice, she and her husband own Mad Travel.  While on the phone with Lee McCarthy, he realized how good of a flight it was that I found. As I was in the midst of panicking to quickly book it before the deal slipped through my fingers, Lee found the flight and and calmly reserved it for me. I was on speaker phone with him  frantically grasping for my passport and credit card before my session timed out.  Within 60 seconds Lee emailed me the details, assured me I would get my coveted Delta points through the partner airline, and gave me a deadline for when I had to book it by to not lose the awesome price. (Who knew you could even do that?!?!) An immediate sense of calm washed over me, I had the flight I wanted at the great price and could even take a day to think about it without risking having to pay more. 

This morning Lee booked the flight for me once I gave him the go ahead. I officially am going to Tanzania and feel confident on the price I got....I think they just converted me to using a travel agent in the future!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

PICKLEBALL - A New Naples Trend

Every time I tell someone I just started playing tennis, they suggest I should play Pickleball!  I played this in high school physical education however had long forgotten about it.  In the past year many of the communities in town have been organizing Pickleball tournaments and now Naples is hosting first edition of the U.S. Open Pickleball Championships from April 26-May 1.

What exactly is Pickleball? 

Its basically a mix of badminton, tennis, & ping pong! Since I have not played in over 10 years, I am going to defer to the Naples Daily News Article Click Here for Full Article

1. Pickleball paddles: the game is played with solid paddles made of wood or composite materials.
2. The ball: is very similar to a wiffle ball.
3. The court: is similar in dimension to a doubles badminton court, measuring 20 by 44 feet (about a quarter the size of a tennis court). The court is striped like a tennis court, but the outer courts are divided in half by service lines (as opposed to the inner courts like in tennis).
4. The serve: the serving team or player uses an underhand stroke, connecting with the ball below the waist and sending the ball diagonally to the opponent's service zone.
5. The details: There's no doubles alley in pickleball, and the ball has less bounce than in tennis. There is also a 7-foot no-volley zone, referred to as 'the kitchen,' extending from the net. The ball can be hit in this area only after it has bounced.

Who wants to play?!?

Mortgage applications rise 1.3% but buyers pull back

Click here for Article

Interest rates are incredibly low right now and this growth in applications comes from refinances - not new purchases. Competition is stiff and prices are higher right now for purchases. It will be interesting to see how it plays out over next few months! 

"Homebuyers are out in force this spring but are being met by higher prices and steeper competition. Homebuilders are less confident about current sales than they were last month, even though they are reporting higher buyer traffic, according to a separate survey released Monday by the National Association of Home Builders"

Impact of a Brexit!

This was an interesting article on how a Brexit will impact real estate prices in London which are in need of a correction! 

Here are a few notable quotes from the article: 

A survey by KPMG showed that more than two-thirds of big global real estate investors believe leaving the union would result in less investment into U.K. property.

Average real house prices have soared by almost 40% since the beginning of 2013.

WeWork is Venturing into Housing with WeLive!

WeWork is known for creating collaborative working environments.  They are now getting into the housing market by renting fully furnished homes from studios up to 4 bedroom units. This seems to me a bit like living in a hotel all the free beer, coffee, & water you could imagine is included. So far they are only located in NYC and DC and rents start at $1375 per month.  Sounds like a deal to me!!

Here is what membership includes: 

  • Beds and couches, towels and linens, and everything in between
  • Fully hooked up units with HDTVs, in-ceiling wireless speakers and sensor-regulated environmental controls
  • Community-driven common areas, including a Chef’s Kitchen, Laundry/Arcade and Yoga Studio
  • The option of convenient month-to-month flexibility
  • Premium Cable, high speed Wi-Fi and general utilities, included at a low cost
  • Full-time Community concierge and housekeeping team
  • Community engagement through the WeLive Mobile App
  • Access to all We Community events and our global community of 55,000 members
  • No broker’s fee and no proof of 40X rent
  • All the coffee, tea, and beer you can drink

Naples Wins Best U.S. Destination for Luxury Travelers

I completely agree with this.  I always say, I live where people vacation.  From the white sand beaches, cleanliness, luxury resorts, fine dining, and endless options for outdoor activities, boating, paddle boarding & fishing to name a few it truly is paradise here. We even have 3 Ritz Carlton Hotels within a 45 minute drive (2 in Naples and one in Marco Island).

Monday, April 25, 2016

Florida Is Creating First Solar-Powered Town

How cool is this!?!? We are the Sunshine State so it only makes sense that this would be in Southwest Florida. I am curious what the entry level price point will be for purchasing a home will be! 

A quick online search lead me to their website 

According to their timeline in early 2017 the model homes and downtown area will be opening!

Here is an excerpt from their website!

Phase 1 development – to be completed in 2017 – will have a total of 1,100 residences, providing the earliest residents of Babcock Ranch with a diverse mix of single family and multi-family options.  The initial downtown district buildings will feature a state of the art wellness center, a market café, lakeside restaurant, educational facilities and an outdoor outfitters where residents and visitors can gear up to explore expansive lakes and an unparalleled trail system. When the town is completed, it will comprise 19,500 residences, an engaging downtown and a total of 6 million square feet of commercial and community space while still dedicating more than half of the total land for green spaces, lakes and nature trails. Ultimately, approximately 50,000 residents will call Babcock Ranch home.

4 Housing Predictions for the Rest of 2016

Economists made the following predictions for the remainder of 2016:

Employment: The labor market is expected to stay strong. The unemployment rate is projected to drop back below 5 percent for 2016 and 2017. 
Mortgage originations: Loan originations are estimated to rise by $50 billion in 2016 and reach $1.7 billion. 
Mortgage rates: Low mortgage rates are expected to stick around longer. 
Housing prices: Home prices will rise by 4.8 in 2016 and by another 3.5 percent in 2017, Freddie Mac researchers predict. 

Gateway Triangle!

I am so excited to see how this develops in the future! It is a prime piece of land that will really connect East Naples to downtown Naples! It is interesting that they seem to be willing to allow such tall buildings since that typically would not be approved!

The Gateway Triangle is "a pizza-slice of land between Davis and 41 called the Gateway Triangle, a hodgepodge of warehouses, gas stations and storefronts."

"Collier County commissioners will consider a deal Tuesday that would bring an 11-story hotel and 18-story condominium tower to U.S. 41 East along the southern boundary of Naples and East Naples."

See the full article here:

Vanderbilt Beach Rd & Collier Blvd

Construction has begun on two new businesses are going in on Vanderbilt Beach Rd just west of Collier Blvd!  An AutoZone and a Midgard Self Storage

Price Reductions

Price reductions indicate motivated sellers!  Check out for all the deals but here are a few that I just reduced in price a few minutes ago!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Builder Opportunity

Great lot in Golden Gate City for only $79,000.  

Build an amazing investment property. This land is zoned RMF-12 meaning up to 4 units per lot based on the sizes. Potential floorplans for a duplex and a quad-plex are available.

Keep checking for more details! 

Improvements that don't Always Increase Value

Sometimes clients that have built and renovated beautiful unique homes and expect that these renovations allows them to demand a much higher price.  Sometimes it does not always work that are a few renovations that might not always add value: 

1: Converting the garage or screened lanai into living space. 
2: Swimming pools (cost to instal tends to be more than you can increase value of home) 
3: Very customized finishes (special marble counters or elaborate murals on the walls etc) 
4: Non permitted additions (appraisals can't count them in value) 

Many of the above mentioned improvements are done because you like them, it may not mean that the next buyer will want to use that garage as a bedroom.  Or the possible buyer may think your elaborate Italian mural is hideous. By all means, you can still do all these things however if you plan on selling your home in the future keep in mind what buyers will also find value in!

Real Estate Scams on Popular Sites

On a consistent basis, I receive phone calls from people asking to see my rental property, usually I respond that it is only for sale yet they will then share that they see it for rent online.  Many scammers tend to take vacant for sale listings and list them for rent online to get renters deposits then magically disappear.

Last week I received a new scam, a local roofer called me and asked if my recently sold listing was in need of a new roof. In reality the home was still for sale and had a new roof replaced last year. Someone was trying to scam this local roofer, yet he was savvy enough to do some due diligence by calling me to ask questions.  I am not sure what the end game of the scam was but its a good reminder to be cautious when doing business, no matter your industry.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Popular Amenities in Every State

Looks like hurricane shutters are a great feature to mention when you are selling your home in Florida! Some of the features state by state are entertaining.  My home state of Wisconsin rec room bars seem to be important!

Many new homes that are being built right now are coming with impact resistant windows which eliminates the need for the shutters.

Mark Your Calendar

33rd Annual Taste Of Collier is coming up on May 1!

Sunday May 1, 2016   11:00-4:00

The Shoppes at Vanderbilt

Admission is $5/per person and free for ages 5 and under. All food items and beverages are purchased with tickets (sold in sheets of 10), $1 = 1 Ticket. Food items and beverages are priced between 1 and 7 tickets.

For More Info: 

Only 21 Short Sales Available!

Here are the 21 short sales currently available in Naples!

View in Portal

Back on the Market Soon!

Great renovated home in the center of Naples. This home features, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, den, separate living spaces, 2 car garage, and a great lanai. The appliances are brand new, it was freshly painted inside and out and there is room for a basketball hoop. No HOA fees or restrictions. Property should be on soon! 

Friday, April 22, 2016

Sneak Peak!

This upcoming listing is going to be a good one, keep checking back at so you don't miss when it is listed! Its going to be a great price! Check out the view!


Buying Opportunities?

This might be a good thing for buyers! Hopefully we will see some deals come through. Check out a few current deals at: 

Here are a few quotes from the Naples Daily News article just published: 

"Sales begin to buckle before prices," said Lawrence Yun, chief economist of the National Association of Realtors, adding that he expects Naples to see softening prices within six to 12 months.

In March, median single-family home prices reached $400,000, and condo prices reached $258,000, NABOR reported Friday.

Hyatt House Grand Opening Party

The Hyatt House Grand Opening Party was a blast even though we had a little rain!  The Hotel is located on the Gordon River and is walking distance to the restaurants on 5th Ave S in Naples.  The rooms are also amazing with kitchens and great views and amenities are fantastic (It crossed my mind to just move in and make the Hyatt home)! 

Hyatt House Naples/5th Avenue
1345 5th Avenue South
Naples, Florida, USA34102

Thursday, April 21, 2016

59 Foreclosures Available in Naples

As of today, there are only 59 foreclosures available for sale in all of Naples on MLS!

The lowest price one is $39,900 and the highest priced one is $5,199,900! Can you guess which pictures go with the prices?!?!

View them all here: View in Portal

Business Growth in Collier Co!

Arthrex is a great company to work for that is consistenly growing in Collier County. I have sold property to plenty of people that work there!

"The company has 250 openings as of April 1"

"In February, Arthrex founder and President Reinhold Schmieding announced a $47 million expansion at the company's Ave Maria plant in eastern Collier County that will create another 350 new jobs."

SW FL Market Update

"The drop in closed home sales in Southwest Floridain March was among the highest in the state, a new report shows."

This year has not been as much as a whirlwind in Southwest Florida, was it the mild northern winter, the election, or just natural market ebbs and flows? All things contributed, however it is still a healthy market in paradise! Hopefully we can get some great deals in the upcoming months for buyers! 

See article here:

Pool Home on 3 Acres for only $309,000!

Beautiful 3 acres in Golden Gate Estates. This 3 bedroom pool home features a den, a loft as well as an attached 2 car garage. The roof was just replaced and brand new appliances installed. Golden Gate Estates has no HOA dues or regulations yet still close to all the amenities Naples has to offer.

 Click here to view MLS info! 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Record Closing?

Congratulations to Jeff & Faith.  We had a whirlwind week, from contract to close in 8 days on their tenant occupied duplex in Naples Park!

Quick action pays off, they got a great price for being able to close quickly and the whole process was seamless between KKH Solutions for Real Estate, the listing agent, sellers, tenants, buyers, Kross Inspectors, Harbor Insurance, & Action Title,

Poinciana Village Property For Sale

Naples Opportunities features my property for sale. 

Don't miss out on the chance to purchase this property. The location is in the heart of Naples and would be great for an individual or investor!