Tuesday, July 26, 2016

WCI makes concessions for new North Naples development


This saga has been going on for quite some time, look like they came to an agreement. Here is what WCI is going to do:

WCI's concessions include agreeing to put an 80-foot preserve between the Tiburon golf course and the backyards of the new homes built closest to Marsala. Also, the developer agreed to build single-story homes along the nearest points to Marsala.

Additionally, WCI would increase the total preservation area in the overall Pelican Marsh development with the addition of the new project. In Pelican Marsh there already are more than 358 acres of preserves, exceeding the county's requirements by nearly 115 acres.

WCI also has agreed to put a landscape buffer between the new entrance road and the golf course to minimize Marsala residents' view of cars going into the new community — and their headlights.

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