Wednesday, July 13, 2016

How to get a good real estate deal like a flipper

Everyone wants a deal, however to get the massive discounts, you cannot be too picky. I love what he has to say in this article. I pulled out the most interesting quotes.  I also recommend finding a realtor that works closely with a lot of investors.  For example, I purchased a property that my client had found but it just didnt fit correctly in his portfolio therefore I benefited.  I also have a select group of clients that I send those "cast away deals" that my institutional seller doesn't want or when he is selling a good deal I give my clients the first shot at it!

The real goal is finding the right seller and providing certainty and convenience.

The more selective your buying criteria the less likely you’ll be successful in your efforts to buy like a flipper.

Make sure you don’t overpay for a fixer-upper. Ensure you have at least 10 percent equity in the home after you do all of the fix-up.

And finally, don’t talk yourself out of a great deal. I always hear people ask with suspicion: Why would they sell for so cheap? They assume there must be some hidden defect. Do your due diligence. If everything checks out, then don’t be afraid to take a great deal.

  1. Define your market.
  2. Create a mailing campaign.
  3. Put up signs.
  4. Drive around your target area
  5. Advertise — let people know that you’re in the market.
  6. Network and put out the word.
  7. Check out the For Sale by Owner websites, and call on any yard sign you see in your neighborhood that will put you in direct contact with a homeowner.

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